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Calendula, part of the Marigold family and also known as Pot Marigold, is one of the most widely used flowers in natural skincare due to its antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.  It is very gentle, safe for children and babies, and soothing for dry, itchy and sensitive skin.  It is also very healing for a variety of skin issues such as:  burns, rashes, cuts, scrapes and insect bites.  Calendula flowers are very resinous and to extract the resins for our olive oil infusion, the flowers are first dried, finely ground and then slightly soaked in alcohol to release the resins from the flower.  This is then infused in oil and we also make both alcohol and glycerin based tinctures.

You will find our organic Calendula featured in many of our Royal Herbs products, such as:

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