Come join Royal Herbs at the West End Farmers Market in Nelson Park! Located in the heart of Vancouver’s busy West End, this laid-back Saturday market looks onto beautiful Nelson Park and adjacent community gardens. Each week, West Enders can shop for the best in local, seasonal produce, artisanal bread & prepared foods, craft beer, wine, & spirits, ethically raised meat, [...]
Come join Royal Herbs at the Ladner Village Farmers Market! The Ladner Village Market is a first class, village market that brings together “make it, bake it, grow it” vendors, community organizations and 48th Avenue merchants to create a community enhancing event in Ladner Village. The Ladner Village Market strives to offer its community access to [...]
East Plaza at the Lonsdale Quay
123 Carrie Cates Ct, North Vancouver, BC, Canada
Come join Royal Herbs at the Lonsdale Quay Farmers Market. The market features some of the best organic and conventional farmers in B.C. plus great bakers, jam makers, honey gathers, and salsa makers. The market has great diversity in vendors and a good collection of crafter's who sell jewelry, children's decals, pottery, soaps, kids clothing and [...]
Kitsilano Community Centre
2690 Larch St, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Come join Royal Herbs at the Kitsilano Farmers Market. At the Kitsilano Farmers Market, shoppers will find a great selection of just-picked, seasonal fruits & vegetables, ethically raised and grass fed meat, eggs, & dairy, sustainable seafood, fresh baked bread & artisanal food, local beer, wine, & spirits, and beautiful, handmade craft. Kids and parents alike can enjoy entertainment by market musicians, a nearby [...]
Burnaby City Hall (North Parking Lot)
4949 Canada Way, Burnaby, BC, Canada
Come and visit Royal Herbs at the Burnaby Farmers Market! The Burnaby Artisan Farmers Market and its lovely setting near Deer Lake Park has been a great success for its guests and its vendors. The market has great farmers, both conventional and Organic, with a great selection of prepared food vendors and local crafters. There is [...]
John Hendry Park (Parking Lot)
Lakewood Dr. & East 13th Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Come join Royal Herbs at the Trout Lake Farmers Market! This is where you’ll find the vendors who have been doing it since the beginning; what started as 14 farmers ‘squatting’ at the Croatian Cultural Centre back in 1995 has grown into Vancouver’s most well-known and beloved market. Visitors come from near and far to sample artisan [...]
Ambleside Artisan Farmers' Market
1000 Argyle Ave, West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
The Ambleside Artisan Farmers' Market has a great variety of organic and conventional farmers. There is also a good selection of prepared foods including baking, syrups, jams, jellies, honey, salsas, antipastas and much more! The market also has a good and varied selection of B.C. crafts, including: jewelry, clothing, wrought iron, garden sculptures, soaps, pottery [...]
Come join Royal Herbs at the West End Farmers Market in Nelson Park! Located in the heart of Vancouver’s busy West End, this laid-back Saturday market looks onto beautiful Nelson Park and adjacent community gardens. Each week, West Enders can shop for the best in local, seasonal produce, artisanal bread & prepared foods, craft beer, wine, & spirits, ethically raised meat, [...]
East Plaza at the Lonsdale Quay
123 Carrie Cates Ct, North Vancouver, BC, Canada
Come join Royal Herbs at the Lonsdale Quay Farmers Market. The market features some of the best organic and conventional farmers in B.C. plus great bakers, jam makers, honey gathers, and salsa makers. The market has great diversity in vendors and a good collection of crafter's who sell jewelry, children's decals, pottery, soaps, kids clothing and [...]
Kitsilano Community Centre
2690 Larch St, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Come join Royal Herbs at the Kitsilano Farmers Market. At the Kitsilano Farmers Market, shoppers will find a great selection of just-picked, seasonal fruits & vegetables, ethically raised and grass fed meat, eggs, & dairy, sustainable seafood, fresh baked bread & artisanal food, local beer, wine, & spirits, and beautiful, handmade craft. Kids and parents alike can enjoy entertainment by market musicians, a nearby [...]